Parents are important eyes and ears on the soccer field. If you observe bad behavior or infringement of PCJSL policies, please follow the course of action outlined and let us know.
Problem: A parent is berating players, running along the sideline, camped behind goals, etc.
What to do: If possible, ask the offending parent or spectator to be positive for the good of all the players.
However, do not risk a confrontation. If possible, ensure that your coach is aware of the issue and has a chance to address it with the game officials. If you still have any concerns, politely talk to the Assistant Referee on that sideline at the first opportunity (when the ball is not in play, halftime, etc.). The referee should then take the necessary steps to stop the bad behavior.
Problem: Who is in the coaches’ box or technical area?
What to do: PCJSL has started a stringent policy to ensure the safety of your children. Every coach, assistant coach, manager, etc. must undergo a state-mandated background check in order to have a coaching pass. To coach in a PCJSL game and be in the coaches’ area, the coach/assistant coach/manager MUST have a yellow PCJSL lanyard with an approved coaching pass worn around the neck and in plain sight. Only 3 persons with this PCJSL lanyard and coaching pass are allowed in the box. If you see someone in the coaches’ area without a lanyard and pass, notify the referee at the stoppage of play. Anyone without the proper credentials by halftime should be removed from the area by the referee.
Problem: Our coach forgot his lanyard.
What to do: Following the policy above, the game will be allowed to play while the coach and team are given the opportunity to find a qualified person to be in the coaching box or collect the coach’s own PCJSL lanyard and coaches pass. If this can be accomplished by half time, then the game proceeds as normal. If the problem cannot be resolved by half time, then the game proceeds but the official result is scored as a 3-0 forfeit against the team without the proper credentials regardless of the final score.
Problem: I do not like the conditions of the field we are playing on.
What to do: PCJSL is dependent on the City and County for field conditions including lines and goals. If the field you are playing on has issues, please ensure that your coach is notified if they are not already aware so that they can report it to PCJSL. PCJSL will then notify the city or county of the field problem so it can be corrected. After this notification, the hope is that the city or county will correct the issue before the next scheduled games. At times, fields that have not been fixed by the city or county are still needed to be used based on the sheer number of teams and games on any given weekend. PCJSL works closely with the City and County to resolve issues but at times they cannot be corrected before the next games or even before the end of a season.
Problem: You’re still unhappy.
What to do: If you are unhappy and believe a rule has been broken, send a written report to Detlef Lange, the Vice President in charge of discipline. If you are unhappy with the actions of the referee, send a report to Larry Luckett, the Referee Commissioner. If you do not believe your coach has reported a field issue, send an email to David Cosgrove, Fields Commissioner. Emails for these and other board members are available at www.pcjsl.com. The PCJSL board is constantly working to improve the game for our players, feel free to contact them if you have an unresolved problem.
Help us continue to offer the best possible soccer experience for every player!