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U9-14 PCJSL Schedule (Oct 14 – Nov 18) is live

U9-14 PCJSL Schedule (Oct 14 – Nov 18) is live

Dear Coaches, Managers and Team Contacts,

All games for October 14, 21, 28 and Nov 4, 11, and 18 have been assigned to fields and times. If you are associated with a U9 or U10 team, please remember that you won’t see any games for November or December until after PCJSL re-flights those younger teams and posts the second Play Block for those ages in early November.

Please review the six dates above and provide any necessary feedback using the form that can be accessed at . If you delete this email, you can find the link to this form on the PCJSL web site home page, just above the calendar near the bottom of the page. I will accept feedback for these six dates (please no emails or telephone calls) until midnight on Wednesday, Oct 4. After that time, any change that is made to any play date in Oct or Nov will cause your club to be fined. Please see the PCJSL Administrative Handbook, pg19-20 for information about fines and the process for rescheduling a match that you cancel.

I plan to schedule the remaining three dates (Dec 2, 9 and 16) in the next two or three days and will again provide several days for you to review and provide feedback about those last three dates before locking the schedule.

I look forward to any feedback you provide and will make every effort to work with you and your concerns.

Maggie Barton
PCJSL Scheduling Coordinator
