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Bollinger Soccer – Sports Risk Management Library


Ensure compliance with the United States Youth Soccer Association, Bylaw 214. STATE ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBILITIES, Section 2.


Ensure a safe environment for members of AYSA.


  • 100% disclosure form submittal
  • 100% criminal background check
  1. General Requirements
    1. Communicate the AYSA Risk Management policies to all clubs and leagues.
    2. Any person participating in a AYSA sanctioned program who becomes involved as a defendant in litigation detrimental to the welfare of youth players or litigation based on activities detrimental to the welfare of youth players, shall be suspended from all AYSA activities until completion of the litigation. (What is detrimental to the welfare of youth players shall be determined by the AYSA Program Managers)
    3. The requirement to meet the of the AYSA Risk Management Program standards is determined by AYSA. (AYSA understands that programs or events may require persons to fill positions that require contact with youth players and that these positions may not meet the strict definition of coach or administrator)
    4. AYSA reserves the right to require fingerprinting before or during their participation in the Arizona Youth Soccer Association soccer program.
    5. Record storage will be under lock and key and only accessible to the Risk Management Program members and his or her duly appointed alternate.
    6. Since criminal histories are a matter of public record, Arizona Youth Soccer Association cannot guarantee that no other person and/or entity will discover the circumstances of a denial, suspension or revocation.
    7. Any allegation received by AYSA of child abuse will be immediately submitted to the appropriate civil authorities.
  2. Disclosure
    1. All persons required to participate in the AYSA RMP must fill out an employment/volunteer disclosure statement.
    2. Filling out the disclosure statement gives AYSA the permission to perform a criminal history check.
    3. Disclosure statements are good until the beginning of the AYSA season year (September 1), thus the disclosure form is good for one seasonal year.
    4. The Disclosure Forms shall be used only for the purpose of registering, denying, suspending and revocation of privileges. Information may be used in the hearing process for the denial, suspension or revocation of privileges by the Risk Management Program Manager(s) and any committees deemed necessary for the implementation and monitoring of the AYSA RMP.
    5. Disclosure Forms and any supporting documents will be filed at the Arizona Youth Soccer Association office. Any record may be reproduced for use during a hearing and/or appeal of denial, suspension or revocation as needed. Any record reproduced for such use will be collected and destroyed at the conclusion of the hearing and/or appeal.
  3. RMP Process
    1. The Disclosure Form and privileges may be reviewed and granted by the following Club/League positions:
      President Club/League
      Club/League RMP Manager
      Designated Club/League Alternate
  4. RMP Status:
    1. Condition Alpha (CA) – No incidents of concern are noted on the Disclosure Form / no incidents of concern have been noted on the background check. This person is approved for unrestricted participation in all Club/League programs / events. AYSA pass may be issued as soon as possible
    2. Condition Bravo (CB) – some incidents of concern are noted on the Disclosure Form / some incidents of concern have been noted on the background check. This person is approved with restrictions for participation in all Club/League programs / events. AYSA pass can be issued when person has agreed to the restrictions.
    3. Condition Charlie (CC) – notable incidents of concern are evident on the Disclosure Form / notable incidents of concern are evident on the background check. This person is not approved for participation in any Club/League program / event. Person will be notified by with 30 days by mail of any restrictions, including copies of the Disclosure Form and /or Background Check
    4. Notable events of concern includes, but is not limited to, any previous violations having to do with child abuse, or any incident or accumulation of incidents that may be detrimental to the welfare of youth participating in Club/League programs / events.
    5. Any person suspended will NOT receive an AYSA pass.
    6. Refusal to submit a Disclosure Form shall result in automatic suspension.
    7. Failure to disclose a felony, crime of violence, crime against a person or any other offense that could be deemed detrimental to the welfare of youth players shall result in probation or suspension.
  5. Club/League Risk Management Hearing
    1. The AYSA pass will not be issued until the hearing process is completed. Person will be notified by with 30 days by mail of any restrictions, including copies of the Disclosure Form and /or Background Check.
    2. Any person having a restriction or suspension levied against them by the Club/League Risk Management Program may request a Club/League Risk Management Hearing.
    3. The request for hearing must be submitted in writing to the Club/League Risk Management Manager.
    4. A hearing will be held within 30 days of receipt of the request and chaired by at least one of the reviewers named in this policy.
    5. Person requesting hearing must agree that other parties outside of the Club/League Risk Management Program will be allowed to review the Disclosure for and / or Background check in question for purposes of the hearing.
  6. If the person receiving the restriction or suspension is not satisfied with the outcome of the Club/League Risk Management hearing they my appeal to AYSA using the current AYSA bylaws and policies to request the appeal.