PCJSL Scheduling In Progress
Dear All,
Some of you may have noticed that games have been assigned to fields and times for Oct 14. I will continue moving through the schedule one date at a time, but I figured I could provide you the opportunity to give feedback starting immediately rather than waiting until all dates through Dec 16 are finished.
As you see things that concern you, I am happy to accept your feedback, BUT I am respectfully asking that you do not call me OR email me with this feedback. I need to stay focused on the scheduling process and having to stop to answer phone calls and/or address a full email inbox prevents me from doing that. More importantly, when I work from different computers/devices, I need to have a centralized place to find the information you are asking me to address. The Google Doc form that we’ve been using for the past two seasons has worked well, so that’s where you need to go if you have a problem to report. Here’s the link: https://goo.gl/forms/QfBgeP9j01P0a4Mz2
Once I start working the problem, I will likely respond to you by email and I will always try to include the game number(s) in the subject line of the email. It is important that you respond back to me using that same email subject line so that we can keep track of the important information. There are currently 565 games in the GotSoccer system for this Fall 2017 event and I cannot keep track of anything without a game number to reference. Please help me by providing this information when there is any kind of issue with a game.
When all games in the schedule are assigned to fields and times, I will send another email giving everyone at least 72 hours for one final look. Then the entire schedule will be locked (Oct 7 is the only locked date right now) and your club will be fined if you need to reschedule. Please refer to pages 19-20 in the PCJSL Administrative Handbook for information about fines and the rescheduling process.
Here’s the link again for the Scheduling Problem report form:
https://goo.gl/forms/QfBgeP9j01P0a4Mz2 .
The text from this email will also be posted on the PCJSL.COM home page.
Thank you all very much!
Maggie Barton
PCJSL Scheduling Coordinator