Dear All,
Match ups have been created for the U9-14 Fall season and the dates your team will be scheduled to play are listed in the online schedule found here: https://system.gotsport.com/org_event/events/8378.
Dear All, Match ups have been created for the U9-14 Fall season and the dates your team will be scheduled to play are listed in the online schedule found here: https://system.gotsport.com/org_event/events/8378.
I need all teams to review the schedule and notify me no later than tomorrow, Sept 23rd at Noon if you have ANY concerns about playing on Oct 2nd. If we are going to play on that date, I need to get those games assigned to fields/times and work to find referees as soon as possible. I will give everyone until Sunday, Sept 26th at midnight to tell me about problems with Oct 9 and beyond. After Sunday, Sept 26th at midnight, there will be fines involved in making any changes. Please don’t let this happen to your club.
This process has never been easy, but the issues with GotSport are making it exponentially more difficult and I really need you to be patient and, if at all possible, somewhat flexible. I know that we all can want what we want when we want it, but if you want your team to play soccer, I need you to work with me. We are so happy to have 200+ teams playing with PCJSL this fall from all over Southern AZ (Nogales, Sierra Vista, Safford) and as far away as New Mexico, but trying to help everyone out with the things they need to make everything come together has been more than challenging and I’m not sure there’s much more that I can do.
IMPORTANT DEADLINES Changes to October 2nd Games – NO LATER THAN 12:00PM on Sept 23rd. Changes to October 9th and beyond – NO LATER THAN midnight, Sunday Sept 26
Thanks, Maggie