Fall 2017 season for PCJSL
Dear PCJSL coaches, team managers and team contacts,
The time has come to get registered for the Fall 2017 season, but there are two different closing dates depending on the age of your team.
U15 – 19 teams – Registration closes August 5, 2017
U9 – 14 teams – Registration closes August 28 (if there are U9 or U10 teams that cannot be formed by August 28, you may register later, but will only be scheduled in Play Block 2, which starts on Nov 11 and you will only play three games in the Fall 2017 season.
This year, before you are allowed to complete registration you will be required to acknowledge that you have read and understand the PCJSL Handbook, which I have attached here . Although there is a link in the GotSoccer application that will also allow you to obtain a copy of the handbook, that link won’t be functional until later this coming weekend after our Communications Commissioner returns home and is able to place the handbook on the web site.
If any of you have trouble getting the link in this email to work, you can send me an email and I will try to send a copy to you directly. You should NOT acknowledge that you have read the handbook until you actually do so because you will be held responsible for all of the information presented there and your failure to follow rules, policies and guidelines set forth in the handbook may create issues for you and your team.
The link for registration is https://www.gotsport.com/forms/app/?eventid=48871 and it will also be available on the PCJSL web site later this weekend. Please be sure to follow the directions in the handbook for selecting your black out dates because not all age groups are allowed two dates due to the limited number of Saturdays available to play league matches.
U15 – 19 teams only get to select ONE black-out date. If you need a second date for a tournament, you may get one, but only by following the rules in the handbook at page 13.
U9-10 teams also only get to select ONE black-out date in Play Block 2 (no blackouts allowed in Play Block 1). You may, however, get a Black-out date in Play Block 1 to attend a tournament, but only by following the rules at page 13.
Failure to follow this policy will prevent your team from being accepted until the issue is resolved.
We are very excited about our continued efforts to improve your soccer experience with PCJSL and we look forward to the upcoming season. A standings list from the last season will be posted in the next few days and I will follow up with another email containing a link to a Google Doc where you can look at how your team compares to others that played during that season.
Until the next email, respectfully yours,
Maggie Barton
PCJSL Scheduling Coordinator